Katrina MillerAs a young girl, Katrina Greenfield Miller started writing songs after receiving Jesus as her Savior. That was a gift she discovered early in life. Never having a dominating voice, in fact rather quiet and not very vocal…she tended to be on the shy introverted side.

Her mom taught her the accordion and piano in her formative years and she would use those skills in the church setting on a weekly basis. She would sing with her family and harmonize with her two sisters, sharing gospel songs at church, rest homes and to the shut in’s.

After marrying her husband, Michael Miller and becoming the mother of four, her involvement with children and youth, choirs, increased. Her main focus was being a homemaker and creating an atmosphere where her home was like heaven…cause she wanted her children to see heaven as home designed after the master plan. Katrina considers herself to be a support person to her husband’s talents and ministries and to her children’s dreams.

But God still had plans in His mind for her to fulfill. Writing The Lord Shepherd and His Sheep Shed was one of those plans. Two of the songs were written in her early twenties, not even realizing the purpose that God had in store for them.

In 1980…the dream was recognized and revealed and blossomed into two more songs and eventually the script ideas. Being as shy and quiet as she was, she had no idea how a recording of the music would come about…but she knew it was in God’s plan.

In 1982…Tad Suckling came into her life through her husbands ministry. So the Producer with the recording studio was brought to accomplish the purpose God had set out for her to do. Then in 1984…Lord Shepherd and His Sheep Shed was published as a cassette tape. In 1987…the children’s choir at Glad Tidings Church in Vancouver, Washington did a live performance directed by Katrina Miller.

The marketing of Lord Shepherd and His Sheep Shed never really took off, although she tried. She came to the point of realizing it was in God’s hands to do what He chose to do. He was the one who made her and designed her…He was the one who brought what was needed for the recording …if it was not in His plan to take it any further, than that was His will. She let it be for her children to learn from and to treasure.

In 2012, after having nine grandchildren, she wanted the blessing to pass down to her grandchildren and so she pursued finding an illustrator to make a children’s book. It wasn’t long until Gabriella Midles who was young and newly into graphic design accepted the challenge. She loved what she learned from Lord Shepherd and His Sheep Shed and followed into a career at a publishing company.

Katrina has written many songs but not many have been shared. They tend to be songs written that highlight experiences and lessons learned and by writing them she remembers what God has shown her. It reminds her of Historical Sites made from mortar and stones with the historical facts engraved on a bronze plate. Instead of a monument, she has songs to commemorate what Jesus the Good Shepherd has taught her. These songs are written on her heart. As the line of one of her songs depicts…”His ways became my ways, when He sang me His song.”