familyAnother Sunday morning, sitting in the front pew at my father’s church, The Gospel Lighthouse.  Mom had spent her week doing so many chores, that take us but minutes to do, but a long with the laundry, in an old roller washing machine, hanging them out to dry and then ironing, she also found the time to make me and my two sisters matching dresses at least once a year.  Well this was another Sunday of mom giving the flannel graph lesson to me and my sisters and the few children from the community that came to our Sunday school class.  She had already led us through the children’s choruses while she played the accordion.  Now it was her gracious teaching gift that came forth as she presented the Bible story that I would remember for a lifetime.

Parable of the Lost SheepI don’t remember all of the pictures on the flannel graph board that she placed there that Sunday and it was amazing seeing those pictures stay on that board and not fall off, but the picture I do remember the most was of the Shepherd leaning over a cliff, reaching down for the lost sheep. Yes this was the Bible story my mama taught me, The Parable of the Lost Sheep.

Now looking back, I sometimes wonder how Mom fit it all in.  Three church services every week, meals to cook, lessons to plan, canning and gardening, the laundry, raising daughters, teaching us to work, sew, play instruments and the entire family would sing together, go to rest homes and the shut ins.  I guess I was blessed with a diligent mother who taught us much.

KatrinaMy diligent mom, in my early years, placed something within my mind that would blossom in my later years.  She planted a story, a seed, the Word of God.  It not only brought forth a children’s musical, but it brought me to a realization of my need for a Savior.  That Savior is Jesus Christ, the Shepherd of my soul.

After years of spending Sunday mornings in church with my husband and our four children, and sharing the gospel with them, I now find myself on Sunday mornings sitting in my son’s Sunday school class and listening to him, express great knowledge of the Word of God and sharing pertinent topics of what the Lord has opened his eyes to see.  The Word of God is like a seed.  Plant it and it will grow.  I’m glad Jesus found me sitting on the front pew of my dad’s church listening to my mom teach and I’m even happier to see my grandchildren being taught by their parents.  Friends, let’s plant some seeds even if we need to bring out the flannel graph boards.